WMBH offers a full range of inpatient services; detoxification and residential treatment services.
Our Continuum of Care includes:
Ambulatory Detox With On-Site Monitoring
Partial Hospitalization Program/Day Program
Treatment/Detox for Medication-Assisted Treatment
Mental Health Treatment
Trauma-Informed Therapy
Psychiatric Evaluations
Medication Management
Evidenced Based Practice
Co-occurring Treatment provided on all outpatient and intensive outpatient levels of care, as needed.

Admission Process
The facility accepts patients from the following sources: self, family, hospitals, employers, physicians, courts, social services, mental health professionals, other outpatient treatment providers and concerned individuals. Business hours for scheduled admission and appointments are normally from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
All prospective patients are treated with respect dignity and courtesy and are seen as soon as possible after the initial inquiry.
The initial pre-admission assessment is provided to determine the appropriateness of the individual for the levels of treatment offered, by WMBH.
Our admissions professionals are responsible to conduct an initial telephone inquiry. Information will be gathered on the potential problem and an assessment will be appropriately scheduled. Admission is based on American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) criteria.
In order to help facilitate a smooth as possible admission, we request the following:
Patients are encouraged to have:
Photo ID (required – not optional)
Insurance card
Enough clothing for 7 – 10 days. Do not bring an excessive amount of clothing. 7 days of clothes is sufficient.
Jeans or pants (no holes)
Traditional sweat pants (no leggings or yoga-style pants)
Skirts (to the knee)
Pajamas and slippers are not permitted to be worn throughout the day.
WMBH has washers and dryers that are free, and we provide laundry detergent. Patients need to get dressed to attend activities.
Toiletries will need to be brought by the patient. WMBH does not provide toiletries.
Co-pay if applicable
Patients cannot have:
No vapes or electronic cigarettes.
Beepers, cell phones or cellular devices, i-pods, MP3 players, laptops, tablet pc's, Apple or other "Smart" watches or other electronic devices, etc.
No hair clippers, electric shavers, etc.
No outside food or drinks, gum, candy, etc.
No short shorts, low-cut shirts or revealing clothing
No tights/yoga pants.
No revealing clothing, plunging necklines, backless shirts or dresses.
No clothing advertising or promoting or glamorizing drugs and/or alcohol
No hats of any type, at all. (Unless for religious or medicinal purposes).
No books, magazines or newspapers unless they are NA, AA or religious materials
Questions about eligibility? Please contact us.
Are you covered?
WMBH accepts most commercial insurance plans along with Maryland and Delaware Medicaid. Self payment options are available.
Notice to Patients​
WMBH’s Outpatient Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clinic serves all patients regardless of inability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
Please contact us for more information.
Sliding Scale Fee Application Form
WMBH provides outpatient substance abuse and mental health services regardless of any patient’s ability to pay. Discounts are offered based on family size and annual income. The Federal Poverty Guidelines determine eligibility and payment percentage. To determine whether you are eligible for a discounted rate, please request a “WMBH Sliding Scale Fee Application Form.” If you qualify, this discount is applicable for all our substance abuse and mental health services. If your financial situation changes during your treatment at WMBH, this form should be updated immediately. If you continue to access our services, it will be reviewed annually.